YES, I stole that from Shreck. And honestly I feel like an ogre this week, so it all makes sense.
Ive found myself in a situation that I cant get out of. I don't know if I want to. And really this predicament is good for me so I should just suck it up and jump in full force like I do everything else in my life..... without thought, know how or direction.
I totally believe ones life should be full rounded, not too much of anything. Balance and all that good crap. Which honestly I'm horrible at. But I try.
For the last 15 years Ive been the wife, past 11 a mom, a sewer for 5 years, last 3 years an artist and the last 8 months: all of those above with a side of work thrown in. And of course Ive been a procrastinator my whole life, but who's counting that part. Who's got time to do anything. Apparently I do. I have agreed to do a half marathon in august. For anyone who doesn't know a half marathon is 13.1 miles.
Your probably asking yourself "Is she a runner?"
NO! I AM NOT. I used to run before my last kiddo came along. But I was slow. really slow. I mean an old lady riding a turtle could easily pass me up.
So why do it? Honestly, i said I would do it because my friend was going to. And then she went ahead and got all pregnant. Sigh. So I could just back out. Sadly I opened my big mouth on horrible Face book. And i cant back down.
Ive started training. And I can actually say I'm NOT hating it the way I thought I would. I feel actually pretty darn good. Ive actually had some artistically fantastic ideas while I'm stuck on my elliptical for 40 minutes. (and I'm perfectly aware that 40 minutes does not add up to 13.1 miles. But a girl has to start somewhere)
I feel more alive and energetic. I feel my brain waking up and my confidence nipping at my heels.
Looks like I was out of balance... well I knew I was. But way more out of balance than I thought I was. So I discovered another layer of me. Another layer that apparently fuels my creativity and makes me not only who I am, but a better version of who I want to be.
Here's to being an onion!
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