Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I love alaska in the springtime

If your like me, you're singing the song from French Kiss...."I love Paris in the springtime". Unfortunately I don't know the rest of the song. :)

For anyone not familiar with Alaska, we are beginning spring...almost. The sun is getting warmer (a scorching 45), the snow is melting and the trees are beginning to grow tiny little buds! It is extremely exciting.

Not only is it my favorite time of year because by this point I am beyond sick of snow. But also because it is my favorite time to paint. I am almost giddy at the thought of sitting outside in the warm sun (about 65) and sketching or painting. For me there is no better time to be creative than watching mother nature explode around me. And Oh Yes, she will explode. Right now the trees have hardly any buds, but one day very VERY soon, I will look out my window and everything will be green and glorious. 

I will be able to wear sandals and skirts and attempt for my skin to be its normal olive skin tone and not the pasty translucent color it is most of the year. 

I love spring! What is your favorite time of year? And do you find its easier to create something when your surroundings inspire you?


  1. My kids complained that it was too HOT today.



  2. THAT IS TOTAL CRAZYNESS! Personally ill be happy when it hits 70. Now that its officially spring and green, there are several things i need to do.

    1. paint
    2. sit out side
    3. run or do something productive because i do not plan to hide inside a sweat shirt. My skin needs vitamin d....BADLY!
